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Are you looking for an EDD fraud attorney in Los Angeles, CA? A person may be charged with EDD Fraud when they supply false or misleading information while applying for unemployment benefits, which they are not entitled to receive. Falsely claiming that you worked somewhere and were fired is one such example. Another is when you return to work but continue to collect unemployment benefits. Working full or part-time and not reporting that you are is EDD Fraud. You are receiving benefits that you are not legally entitled to receive. These are serious charges that law enforcement, prosecutors, and the court system deal with harshly.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on our economy, EDD Fraud has been on the rise, especially in California. We are seeing a significant increase in investigations, arrests, and criminal case filings concerning EDD Fraud.

The EDD is the agency that investigates EDD fraud cases. However, local police agencies have been taking on a more significant role in arresting individuals with EDD credit cards (at times multiple cards) belonging to others. These cases are usually prosecuted by local District Attorneys or the California Attorney General’s office. The following are the criminal statutes that are related to EDD fraud prosecutions:

Unemployment Insurance Code 2101: Willfully make a false statement or representation, to knowingly fail to disclose a material fact, or to use a false name, false social security number, or other false identification to obtain, increase, reduce, or defeat any benefit under the state or federal programs.

Penal Code 118: Perjury
Penal Code 182: Conspiracy
Penal Code 470: Forgery
Penal Code 472: Forging, Counterfeiting, or Possessing a Fraudulent Public Seal
Penal Code 487: Grand Theft
Penal Code 530.5: Identity Theft
Penal Code 550: Insurance Fraud

To properly defend cases of EDD Fraud, an experienced attorney would be able to analyze which defenses apply to a particular case. Some common defenses are that the person investigated did not intend to defraud the EDD system, there is insufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and the person being charged is not the person who was the perpetrator of the crime.

Los Angeles Unemployment Insurance Fraud Lawyer

If you have been charged or under investigation for EDD fraud, please call us to set up an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION so we can assess your case and provide you with the best legal advice on how to proceed. Please allow us to offer you the assistance and support of a criminal defense law firm with extensive nationwide experience with California and the Federal Court system as you face this most unfortunate experience. We are solely a Criminal Defense Law Firm. That is all we do and have done since our inception. You can contact our federal fraud attorneys in Los Angeles 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


Having an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney begin working on your case as early as possible is extremely important. Critical issues, such as how your particular case will be filed and what charges will be leveled against you, are decided, many a time, very soon after your arrest or during the investigatory period. Whether your case goes in front of the grand jury, early intervention allows us to potentially reduce or dismiss the charges against you before the first court date.

EDD Fraud Attorney in Los Angeles
EDD Fraud Attorney in Los Angeles, CA

Over the years, our criminal defense lawyers have successfully represented numerous clients charged with fraud, as described above. We have observed that the longer one postpones hiring a criminal defense lawyer, the greater the problem may become.

EDD Fraud Lawyer in LA

Please feel free to call for an initial FREE CONSULTATION in one of our offices or the privacy and convenience of your own home with one of our EDD fraud attorneys, during which we can explore how best to defend and resolve your criminal case. Our 24-hour telephone numbers are:

Los Angeles: (213) 385-1555

Sherman Oaks: (818) 205-1555

Beverly Hills: (310) 288-0795

Pasadena: (626) 356-0447