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Tax fraud is the act of avoiding paying taxes or limiting paying taxes through illegal ways.  Usually this involves filing a false tax return, tax evasion, filing false documents, failure to collect employment or sales taxes, failure to pay taxes, and failing to file a tax return (California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 19705(a) and Section 19706).  For many years now, starting with the infamous Al Capone, many individuals that are accused of some type of financial crime are also accused of tax evasion, since both go hand in hand. Many cases involving Healthcare Fraud, Mail and Wire Fraud, as well as Money Laundering, also involve the act of Tax Evasion.  The investigation in these types of cases is usually initiated by the enforcement arm of the Franchise Tax Board and thereafter prosecuted by the District Attorney’s office.  The penalties for committing tax evasion or tax fraud range from county jail up to 3 years in state prison for each violation.


Recently, our client was charged with 12 counts of tax evasion and tax fraud in the amount that was slightly over $7,000,000.  After an exhaustive investigation and intense negotiations that lasted over a one year period, we secured a negotiated settlement wherein our client was not sentenced to any jail and was ordered to pay $500,000 at the time of sentencing and perform 270 days of community labor.


Los Angeles Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion Lawyer

Retaining an aggressive, experienced and knowledgeable Los Angeles criminal defense attorney is the most important decision you can make.  A qualified Criminal Defense lawyer can educate you as to your options, assist you in making critical life altering decisions, investigate the factors that led to your arrest, skillfully examine law enforcement personnel, and litigate the criminal case. Our firm has the qualified criminal defense attorneys that will be in your corner aggressively defending your rights with the goal of successfully fighting your criminal charges.


If you have been charged or under investigation for ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­tax fraud or tax evasion, please call us to set up an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION so we can assess your particular case and provide you with the best legal advice on how to proceed. Please allow us to offer you the assistance and support of a criminal defense law firm that has extensive experience with the State court system throughout the Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, and San Diego Counties as you face this most unfortunate experience. We are solely a Criminal Defense Law Firm. That is all we do and have done since our inception.



It is extremely important to have an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney begin working on your case as early as possible. Critical issues, such as how your particular case will be filed and what charges will be leveled against you, are decided, many a time, very soon after your arrest or during the investigatory period. Early intervention gives our criminal defense attorneys an opportunity to potentially reduce or dismiss either felony or misdemeanor charges against you before the first court date.


Over the years, our criminal defense lawyers have successfully represented numerous clients charged with workers tax fraud/evasion as described above. We have observed that the longer one postpones in hiring a criminal defense lawyer, the greater the problem may become.


Please feel free to call for an initial FREE CONSULTATION in one of our offices, or in the privacy and convenience of your own home, during which we can explore how best to defend and resolve your criminal case. Our 24-hour telephone numbers are (818) 205-1555; (310) 288-0795; (626) 356-0447; and (213) 385-1555.