DUI Center
DUI Center
Need some information about California DUI Laws? An arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) occurs when law enforcement personnel have a suspicion that a person is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Suspicions by law enforcement, usually, arise when police officers witness either dangerous driving or clear violations of traffic signs or laws. Once a person is stopped by law enforcement, that person will be questioned by the investigating officer. If after questioning the officer feels that additional investigation is required due to a suspicion of
drunk driving, that officer may ask the driver to perform a variety of field sobriety tests, along with breath/blood tests to determine BAC (blood alcohol concentration).
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
Driving under the Influence (DUI) is one of the most common violations in the Los Angeles area. The law provides for an arrest if a person’s blood alcohol level was 0.08% or greater (California Vehicle Code Section 23152 (b)). Moreover, the law allows law enforcement to arrest a person if
a suspicion exists that a person is not in any condition to drive because he/she had alcohol and/or drugs in your system (California Vehicle Code Section 23152, et seq.).
Need more information about California DUI law? The consequences of a DUI conviction can include incarceration, fines, community service, and driver license suspension/revocation. In addition to the criminal charges, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will initiate an administrative case against your driving privilege. The Los Angeles DUI defense attorneys of
Gurovich, Berk & Associates have successfully represented countless clients in both criminal and administrative DUI cases.
If you are charged with DUI (driving under the influence) in the Los Angeles area, you will immediately need to take steps to protect your rights. DUI penalties are severe both in the criminal and administrative matters. An experienced Los Angeles DUI lawyer will be able to assist you in navigating through the criminal and administrative cases. The DUI defense attorneys
at Gurovich, Berk & Associates have been successfully defending people accused of driving under the influence in California for many years. Our DUI defense lawyers provide client-centered, cutting edge, and cost effective legal representation for clients in Los Angeles DUI cases. When seeking the assistance of a DUI attorney, you should be looking for a
determined and experienced DUI attorney in order to create a winning defense for your DUI case.
In order to properly defend your DUI case, our office conducts a two-tier analysis of your case. First and foremost, our DUI attorneys must make sure that your constitutional rights were not violated in the course of your arrest. Specifically, we investigate whether the police did not violate your 4th and 5th Amendment rights. If such a violation occurred, the likelihood that your case is dismissed or reduced to a lower offense increases significantly. The second step in the analysis is to investigate the validity of the scientific evidence. Our DUI lawyers will conduct aninvestigation into whether the breath or blood sample was accurately measured by the police.
Due to improper use, poor calibration, poor maintenance, or negligent laboratory procedures, the results that the measuring devices the police use can prove unreliable results. We understand the strengths and weaknesses of the various kinds of scientific instruments for measuring BAC whether in blood or breath.
Having the appropriate DUI defense in both the criminal court process and the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) process is crucial. It is very imperative to have a DUI attorney to represent your interests and protect your rights. The DMV has a 10-day rule to begin the DMV process and protect your driving privileges. Without an experienced DUI defense attorney on your side your driving privilege will be in jeopardy immediately. The DUI defense lawyers at the Gurovich, Berk & Associates are familiar and experienced with both the DMV and the criminal
courts in that you will receive the best outcome of your Los Angeles DUI case.
Los Angeles DUI Lawyer
Retaining an aggressive, experienced and knowledgeable DUI attorney is the most important decision you can make. A qualified DUI defense lawyer can educate you as to your options, assist you in making critical life altering decisions, investigate the factors that led to your arrest, skillfully examine law enforcement personnel, and litigate the DUI criminal case. Our firm has
the qualified DUI defense attorneys that will be in your corner aggressively defending your rights with the goal of successfully fighting your criminal charges.
If you have been charged with a DUI, please call us to set up an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION so we can assess your particular case and provide you with the best legal advice on how to proceed. Please allow us to offer you the assistance and support of a criminal defense law firm that has extensive experience with the State court system throughout the Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, and San Diego Counties as you face this most unfortunate experience. We are solely a criminal defense law firm. That is all we do and have done since our inception.
It is extremely important to have an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney begin working on your case as early as possible. Critical issues, such as how your particular case will be filed and what charges will be leveled against you, are decided, many a time, very soon
after your arrest or during the investigatory period. Early intervention gives our DUI defense attorneys an opportunity to potentially reduce or dismiss either felony or misdemeanor chargesagainst you before the first court date.
Have a question about California DUI Laws? Please feel free to call for an initial FREE CONSULTATION in one of our offices, or in the privacy and convenience of your own home, during which we can explore how best to defend and resolve your criminal case. Our 24-hour telephone numbers are (818) 205-1555; (310) 288-0795; (626) 356-0447; and (213) 385-1555.